
The D.C. Student Union (DCSU) is an alliance of Student Government Associations (SGAs) from universities in the Washington D.C. consortium area. Its mission is to foster D.C. spirit, coordinate policy decisions, and organize impactful events that enhance the student experience across these universities. DCSU aims to represent the interests of university students in Washington D.C. and promote collaboration among member schools for the collective benefit of students.


DCSU operates through two main bodies: the Capital Student Senate and the Commission. The Senate, consisting of representatives from member universities, represents students in D.C., allocates funding for projects and events, and oversees the Commission. The Commission, as the executive arm, implements decisions made by the Senate, manages staff and volunteers, and coordinates Senate meetings and events.

Task Force’s long-term intentions with DCSU include creating a robust advocacy network for pro-democracy issues, piloting a national confederation of SGAs, and ensuring that university administrations support rather than hinder student advocacy on campus democracy issues.


While currently in its planning and negotiation stages, DCSU’s potential impact is significant. It aims to serve and advocate for over 83,000 students in the National Capital Region. The envisioned impact includes making young student voters a key voting block organized around individual rights and sustaining democratic energy, as well as facilitating mutual support among university SGAs for maintaining campus democracy.

Looking Forward

The D.C. Student Union aims to become the leading project organizing all major student pro-democracy activities in Washington D.C. It intends to serve as the central hub for the student-led democratic initiatives, advocacy efforts, and policy discussions within the National Capital Region. As it solidifies its structure and expands its reach, DCSU will focus on strengthening its role as a leader and a unifying force among student bodies, championing the causes of democracy, individual rights, and student representation. This strategic positioning will not only elevate DCSU’s influence within the D.C. area but also set a benchmark for student-driven democratic engagement and advocacy on a national scale.

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